

  • hyper
  • :    tall; high
  • :    exceed; surpass; overtake
  • :    many; much; more
  • :    cross; pass
  • 前缀:    prefix
  • 过, 高, 超, 经, 通:    per-
  • 过;超:    hyper
  • 上,高,超:    super,supra
  • :    过Ⅰ动词[口语] (超越) go beyond the limit; undue; excessiveⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 过旭 guo xu
  • :    Ⅰ动词1.(越过; 高出) exceed; surpass; overtake 超世界先进水平 surpass advanced world levels; 亩产超千斤 produce over 1,000 jin per mu.; exceed 1,000 jin in per mu yield2.(在某个范围以外; 不受限制) transcend; go beyond 超尘脱俗 transcend the worldlyⅡ形容词(超出寻常的) super-; ultra-; extra-; hyper-Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 超喜 chao xi
  • :    Ⅰ形容词1.(数量大) many; much; more 请你多多帮助。 please give me all the help you can. 人多议论多 , 热气高, 干劲大。 more people mean a greater ferment of ideas, more enthusiasm and more energy. 他在这城里认识的人非常多。 he knows a great many people in this city. 我们还有很多工作要做。 we have a lot more work to do.2.(比原来的数目有所增加) more than the correct or required number; too many 你多给了我两个。 you gave me two too many. 他多喝了一点。 he's had a drop too much. 她话说得太多。 she talks too much. 我在那里多住了几天。 i stayed there a few days longer.3.(过份的; 不必要的) excesive; too much 多疑 oversensitive; oversuspicious; given to suspicionⅡ数词(用在量词前表示概数) 他曾多次访问大连。 he's visited dalian many times. 铁有多种用处。 iron has a variety of uses.Ⅲ助词(用在数量词后,表示有零头) more; over; odd 四个多月 more than four months; four months and more; 50 多岁 over fifty years old; 全书2,000 多页。 it's a book of 2,000-odd pages.Ⅳ动词(超出原有的或应有的数量或限度) exceed a number 多一个人就多一分力量。 if we get one more person, we will become stronger. 南方多水, 利于灌溉。 irrigation is easy in the south because of the abundance of water. 这个句子多了一个字。 there is one word too many in this sentence.Ⅴ名词(姓氏) a surname 多军 duo junⅥ副词1.(用在疑问句里,问程度、数量) 你女儿多大了? how old is your daughter?2.(用在感叹句里,表示程度很高) 多美的声音啊 ! what a beautiful voice! 看她多精神! look how energetic she is!3.(表示任何一种程度) 给我一根绳子, 多长都行。 give me a piece of rope; any length will do. 有多大劲使多大劲。 use all your strength.4.(相差程度大) much more; far more 难得多 much more difficult; 病人今天好多了。 the patient is much better today. 他比我年纪小得多。 he is younger than i by much.; he is much younger than i
  • :    Ⅰ形容词1.(从下向上距离大; 离地面远) tall; high 高山 high mountains; 高高的烟囱 a tall chimney; 她和她母亲一样高。 she is as tall as her mother. 太阳已经很高了。 the sun was already high.2.(在一般标准或平均程度之上; 等级在上的) above the average; of a high level or degree 体温高 run a temperature; 技高一筹 more skillful than others; 高标准 higher standard; 高风格 fine style; 高难度动作 exceedingly difficult movements; operations of extraordinary difficulty; 高年级 higher [senior] grades; 这主意真高! what a brilliant idea!3.(声音大的) loud 嗓门儿高 have a loud voice; high-pitched; 高喊 shout loudly; raise a cry4.(超过实际价值或市场价格的) high-priced; dear; expensive; fancy 要价太高 ask too high a price; 本周肉类售价很高。 meat is bringing a high price this week. 那儿的物价高得令人难以置信。 prices there are incredibly high.5.[敬] (称别人的事物) your 高见 your opinionⅡ名词1.(高度) height; altitude 坝高五十米。 the dam is 50 metres in height. 山高一千五百米。 the mountain has an altitude of 1,500 metres.2.(姓氏) a surname 高则诚 gao zecheng
  • 前缀:    [语言学] prefix
  • b超:    type-b ultrasonic; ultra sound b
  • 超 - 葬爱:    djjammy remix
  • 超-葬爱:    djmingremx
  • 超图 超:    hypergraph
  • 文 超:    zou wenchao
  • 差得 多:    fall short by a large amount
  • 多-思万:    santosh sivan
  • 多…吨:    m/ t are over; m/t are over
  • 多,复合:    poly,multi,mult
  • 多数, 多:    pluri-
  • 最大(多):    max maximum,the most
  • (罐头)高:    cannery retort


        :    tall; high
        :    exceed; surpass; overtake
        :    many; much; more
        :    cross; pass
        前缀:    prefix
        过, 高, 超, 经, 通:    per-
        过;超:    hyper
        上,高,超:    super,supra
        :    过Ⅰ动词[口语] (超越) go beyond the limit; undue; excessiveⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 过旭 guo xu
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(越过; 高出) exceed; surpass; overtake 超世界先进水平 surpass advanced world levels; 亩产超千斤 produce over 1,000 jin per mu.; exceed 1,000 jin in per mu yield2.(在某个范围以外; 不受限制) transcend; go beyond 超尘脱俗 transcend the worldlyⅡ形容词(超出寻常的) super-; ultra-; extra-; hyper-Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 超喜 chao xi
        :    Ⅰ形容词1.(数量大) many; much; more 请你多多帮助。 please give me all the help you can. 人多议论多 , 热气高, 干劲大。 more people mean a greater ferment of ideas, more enthusiasm and more energy. 他在这城里认识的人非常多。 he knows a great many people in this city. 我们还有很多工作要做。 we have a lot more work to do.2.(比原来的数目有所增加) more than the correct or required number; too many 你多给了我两个。 you gave me two too many. 他多喝了一点。 he's had a drop too much. 她话说得太多。 she talks too much. 我在那里多住了几天。 i stayed there a few days longer.3.(过份的; 不必要的) excesive; too much 多疑 oversensitive; oversuspicious; given to suspicionⅡ数词(用在量词前表示概数) 他曾多次访问大连。 he's visited dalian many times. 铁有多种用处。 iron has a variety of uses.Ⅲ助词(用在数量词后,表示有零头) more; over; odd 四个多月 more than four months; four months and more; 50 多岁 over fifty years old; 全书2,000 多页。 it's a book of 2,000-odd pages.Ⅳ动词(超出原有的或应有的数量或限度) exceed a number 多一个人就多一分力量。 if we get one more person, we will become stronger. 南方多水, 利于灌溉。 irrigation is easy in the south because of the abundance of water. 这个句子多了一个字。 there is one word too many in this sentence.Ⅴ名词(姓氏) a surname 多军 duo junⅥ副词1.(用在疑问句里,问程度、数量) 你女儿多大了? how old is your daughter?2.(用在感叹句里,表示程度很高) 多美的声音啊 ! what a beautiful voice! 看她多精神! look how energetic she is!3.(表示任何一种程度) 给我一根绳子, 多长都行。 give me a piece of rope; any length will do. 有多大劲使多大劲。 use all your strength.4.(相差程度大) much more; far more 难得多 much more difficult; 病人今天好多了。 the patient is much better today. 他比我年纪小得多。 he is younger than i by much.; he is much younger than i
        :    Ⅰ形容词1.(从下向上距离大; 离地面远) tall; high 高山 high mountains; 高高的烟囱 a tall chimney; 她和她母亲一样高。 she is as tall as her mother. 太阳已经很高了。 the sun was already high.2.(在一般标准或平均程度之上; 等级在上的) above the average; of a high level or degree 体温高 run a temperature; 技高一筹 more skillful than others; 高标准 higher standard; 高风格 fine style; 高难度动作 exceedingly difficult movements; operations of extraordinary difficulty; 高年级 higher [senior] grades; 这主意真高! what a brilliant idea!3.(声音大的) loud 嗓门儿高 have a loud voice; high-pitched; 高喊 shout loudly; raise a cry4.(超过实际价值或市场价格的) high-priced; dear; expensive; fancy 要价太高 ask too high a price; 本周肉类售价很高。 meat is bringing a high price this week. 那儿的物价高得令人难以置信。 prices there are incredibly high.5.[敬] (称别人的事物) your 高见 your opinionⅡ名词1.(高度) height; altitude 坝高五十米。 the dam is 50 metres in height. 山高一千五百米。 the mountain has an altitude of 1,500 metres.2.(姓氏) a surname 高则诚 gao zecheng
        前缀:    [语言学] prefix
        b超:    type-b ultrasonic; ultra sound b
        超 - 葬爱:    djjammy remix
        超-葬爱:    djmingremx
        超图 超:    hypergraph
        文 超:    zou wenchao
        差得 多:    fall short by a large amount
        多-思万:    santosh sivan
        多…吨:    m/ t are over; m/t are over
        多,复合:    poly,multi,mult
        多数, 多:    pluri-
        最大(多):    max maximum,the most
        (罐头)高:    cannery retort


  1. "高 舒 亚"英文
  2. "高(亮度)发光二级管"英文
  3. "高(气)压氙灯"英文
  4. "高(石+奇)芳郎"英文
  5. "高, 高尚, 殿下"英文
  6. "高,大,全"英文
  7. "高-低-高航线剖面飞行任务"英文
  8. "高-低放大镜选择杆"英文
  9. "高-雷二氏螺旋"英文
  10. "高-雷二氏线"英文


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